Saturday, January 06, 2007

First Sketch of the Year

I wipped up a quick one in my sketchbook to get warmed up for starting a new painting. It won't be of this mill, but nonetheless, sketching is a good way to train the eyes. This subject offers a decent challenge of structural perspective, not to mention rendering rhythms found in foliage. The mill is local and has an interesting history that I included here...

"Originally constructed in 1798 along Lost Creek, this mill was operated by four generations of the Rice family. The mill has had many changes throughout its history. At times, the mill was also rigged to power a sawmill, a cotton gin, a trip hammer, and even to operate a dynamo that supplied electrical lights for the Rice home in 1899. Tennessee Valley Authority purchased the land the mill stood on which was to be flooded by the building of Norris Dam. The mill was carefully disassembled and reassembled much of the structure at its present site. The mill still grinds corn meal in the summer."


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