Friday, September 01, 2006

It's Official

The painting that I posted on Wednesday of the fishboat is accepted into the local openshow. Just barely, I was told. First it was selected to be returned to me today, but the judge changed her mind. "Phew". Mary, thankyou for your encouraging comment! :) I suppose once all the pieces reserved for the show are finalized and hung for the openshow itself, the critiquing will begin and I'll have to wait for the results of that. Based on how close a call it was getting in, I really don't expect it to win anything at this point. The fact that my painting caused a second guess (to me) is an achievement in itself. It will be interesting to see the critique. I'm posting a link to the artcenter in my list of links to give you all an idea where I meet each week for openstudio and classes and the current show's prospectus.


Blogger Anita said...

Wonderful to hear this news, Stoy! Congratulations!

5:30 PM  
Blogger Stoy Jones said...

Hi Anita, Thankyou for the congrats!

8:43 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

Stoy congratulations and you never can tell at these shows but I think it is a good sign that there was second thoughts about it.

6:31 PM  

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