Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here's something to kick off my new weblog, a 16x20 water-mixable oil painting I have yet to post at my website. Dated October of 2004, I remember struggling with this one, mainly with getting the color of the lemons "just" right. I got a little help in that area by taking a painting class. Beyond that little detail, this was my first result of a serious attempt to complete a painting. Being so pleased with myself, I went right on to paint other subjects and instantly made a ton of blunders and mistakes and managed a few more triumphs here and there. Such as it is, humbling, exciting, frustrating, all the possible emotions one can experience wrapped into the pursuit of learning to paint, but what fun!


Blogger Anita said...

I love this piece - it has wonderful atmosphere to it - lovely sunshine and shadows.

3:47 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

This a gorgeous piece. Very realistic but contemporary. Lots of work in there with the lovely colors and intense shadows.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Stoy Jones said...

Anita, Mary, and Borowski (glad to see you here!) thanks for the comments!

8:19 AM  

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